Intravenous Vitamins

Intravenous / Intramuscular Vitamin Injections

Intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy is also known as Myer’s Cocktail, or Standard IV push) is a way to give high concentrations of vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream, allowing rapid absorption of higher doses of the vitamins and minerals than if the person got them through food or supplements.

These liquids are delivered through a small tube inserted into a vein. The infusions typically take 20 minutes to an hour, depending on the volume of the cocktail and the size of the person's veins. IV vitamin therapy is touted by many celebrities and is available at many IV bars, drip bars, and IV lounges.

The Myers' cocktail is a popular formula among complementary and alternative medicine providers for IV vitamin therapy. The Myers' formula consists of high doses of B vitamins, vitamin C, and minerals (magnesium and calcium) mixed with sterile water. Dr. John Myers developed and administered the first IV vitamin treatments in Baltimore in the 1970s.

Additional nutrients can be added to the vitamin infusion including Glutathione (a potent detoxifier and antioxidant). These vitamin infusions can be customized for each patients’ needs. Intravenous vitamin infusions are tremendously helpful when a person becomes ill, has slow recovery from illness, is under extreme stress, or needs help in boosting their immune system.

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