

Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine belong to a system of medicine that dates to five thousand years ago. The principles of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine are to balance the yin, yang and qi of the body. This could translate into the fluids, function and bioenergy of the body which allow health to flourish. It is viewed that health is affected by nutrition, exercise, balance of the emotions, inherited bioenergy, and the constant attempts of invasion by pathogenic wind, cold, damp, toxins and heat. The Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner is trained to form a complete constitutional diagnosis of the individual by conducting a directed interview and making observations of the body pulses, the tongue and abdomen as well as the colorings and shapes of the body. Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM) is used successfully for many conditions. Health experts now recognize that many chronic health disorders are treated well with AOM such as chronic pain, immune disorders, digestive problems, gynecologic conditions and many others. Acupuncture is also used successfully in treating addiction to many different substances through its ability to communicate directly to the brain. The results are a sense of wellness, calmness, and balance, decreasing anxiety associated with the cessation of smoking and other addictions.

The state of health in the individual can be enhanced by acupuncture, a process of stimulating vital energy by inserting small, sterile needles just beneath the skin. This helps to direct the flow of energy in the body, much like a traffic light directs the flow of traffic. Needle insertion is usually painless and once the needles are inserted the individual usually experiences a deep state of relaxation while stimulation of the healing process occurs. Often the patient reports a sensation of warmth, tingling, or an energized sensation near the site of the needles. This is termed the “Qi sensation”. The science of Chinese Herbology is an ancient tradition of blending herbs with varying properties into a formula which facilitates the healing processes by unlocking stagnation, nourishing blood, or tonifying body systems of energy.

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